Wednesday, 29 September 2010


Adobe Photoshop is a graphic and picture editing tool. It enables the user to alter, manipulate and create images either from existing photos or found images.

In the lessons previous to this one we have been learning how to start to use Photoshop from scratch; this was from cropping photos, putting images on top of other images and layers to darkening shadows and adjusting contrast levels and exposure etc...
We used tools like the marquee tool for selecting, and cutting box shapes around a part of an image. We also used the clone stamp tool; this makes a direct copy/clone of the highlighted section of the image previously clone stamped. We used the burn and dodge tool to make an image more edgy by darkening areas and lightening areas to bring certain aspects of the image out. For example to give a person a realistic black eye you can use the burn tool around the area of the eye and it will look realistic. All these tools were very useful my favourite was the burn and dodge tools, because you can make subtle but dramatic changes to an image.

My image was mainly focused on layering and opacity as i thought that a classic sunset experimented with curves and hue to make it look abstract and interesting as a nice background with a beautiful image of a horse, reflected against itself creating a non naturalistic image.
the tools I found difficult were the selection tools, lasso tool and magic wand, this was because it was hard to select small details with such a broad selection, this was solved slightly when I used the feather tool, this made my cu out image look more smoothly cut.
I find Photoshop easy to work with the tools i know so far, and i like judging what an image needs to make it better.

Photoshop is very useful in the media, and is used in everything that has been shot and put in magazines, adverts, film etc, this is because every image has been manipulated to look as the creator wants it to. An advert poster for a film will need to be perfected but many more things to create an interesting eye catching image to make you want to see the film. Another advertising branch that would use Photoshop all the time and rely on it are, make up adverts like mascara enhancing etc.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010


Photography brings a visual language that is universal in understanding. We must then understand its vocabulary which consists of shapes, textures, patterns, lines, colours, shade of light to dark and sharp to blurry images. Just as we must learn to arrange words in a coherent order in order to make sense when we write or speak, so too must we put visual elements together in an organized manner if our photographs are to convey their meaning clearly and vividly.

Composition means arrangement: the orderly putting together of parts to make a unified whole; composition through a personal, intuitive act. However, there are basic principles that govern the way visual elements behave and interact when you combine them inside the four borders of a photograph. Once we have sharpened our vision and grasped these basic ideas of principles, then we will have the potential for making our photographs more exciting and effective than ever before. Few techniques I can employ to help improve my composition.

Producing pictures that are pleasing to someone other than me will make my photography much more rewarding. One of the popular rules in photography is the rule of thirds; this is because it makes a photograph less static as well as producing nicely balanced easy on the eye picture. Also, as you have to position things relative to the edges of the frame it helps get rid of ' tiny subject surrounded by vast empty spaces. 
Rule of thirds are basically Imaginary lines drawn dividing the image into thirds both horizontally and vertically. You place important elements of your composition where these lines intersect. As well as using the intersections I can arrange areas into bands occupying a third or place things along the imaginary lines. As you can see it is fairly simple to implement. Good places to put things; third of the way up, third of the way in from the left etc.



My doctor who trailer 

In media studies this year I hope to learn how to understand film language and representations of characters in a film. Understanding the different characters used in different genres of film. Learning video camera skills and then editing it in post. Learning Photoshop and basic compositions, learning how to story board and follow it when filming. This would all come into pre-production planning that I hope to have lots of to make a professional and well thriller sequence.